Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Back from CSSSA

CSSSA ended on Saturday. I got home at midnight due to a three hour flight delay.

The picture was taken yesterday.

Home is the same- but it's not. I miss everyone and everything that was at CalArts this past month. I really did have the best four weeks of my life.


Jeff Liu said...


Amelia Lorenz said...

Jason is missing Crayons very very much...

...snif snif...

Cindey said...

jeff- california is too far away! come and visittt :(

jason- crayons misses jason...
amelia- waaaaaaah!

jacquii deleon said...

CINDEHHHH! move to the bay area so we could all hang out. but we're not as close to eachother as you think. theres like 2 hours between uhmeeleeyuh and me and jeff is in the middle. and we cant drive. so dont feel too bad :)

Amelia Lorenz said...

I think the easiest thing would probably be for you to move here. Yep. So it's decided then?